Black & Decker pirinç pişirme makinesi HS90 Kılavuz

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Black & Decker pirinç pişirme makinesi HS90
Weight/Or Use Use Water Approx.
Fresh Number Rice Drip Fill Line Time
Vegetables Pieces Bowl Tray In Base (Minutes) Tips
Spinach 1 lb. No Yes Lo 13-15
Squash 1 lb. No Yes Lo 14-16
Summer (Yellow) medium
and Zucchini size
Remove stems; wash, then
drain leaves for 1-2 mins.
Pack into Steaming Bowl,
Bowl will be heaping full.
Stir after 7 and 10 mins; use
a long-handled fork to bring
wilted leaves from bottom
of Bowl.
Yield about 2 cups.
Trim; wash.
Cut into 1/4” slices.
Stir after 9 mins.
Yield about 3 cups.
Times given are for the contents of one or two boxes or bag of the size specified for
the frozen vegetable. Foods listed are not packaged in butter or a sauce; most are
placed directly into the Steaming Bowl. Do not thaw before steaming.
Frozen vegetables may be very icy; some are a solid block when removed from the
package. When possible, break-up/separate frozen pieces before adding them to
Steaming Bowl. These foods should be separated/stirred after 10 - 12 mins., or at
the time suggested in the Steaming Guide.
Use a long handled fork or spoon to separate or stir foods.
Mashed, frozen vegetables, like winter squash, are placed in the Rice Bowl, then
the Steaming Bowl and should be covered with a piece of aluminum foil during
steaming. See instructions for using a foil cover.
Season vegetables after steaming.
Pkg. Weight/ Use Use Water Approx.
Frozen Or Number Rice Drip Fill Line Time
Vegetables Pieces Bowl Tray In Base (Minutes) Tips
Asparagus 2 pkgs. No Yes Med 21-23
Cut 9-10 ounces
Spears 2 pkgs. No Yes Med 18-20
9-10 ounces
Beans 2 pkgs. No Yes Med 22-25
Green/Wax, 8-9 ounces
cut or whole
Lima, Baby 2 pkgs. No Yes Med 22-25
9-10 ounces
Separate/stir after 15 mins.
Separate/rotate after 12 and
17 minutes.
Stir after 15 and 20 mins.
Stir after 15 and 20 mins.
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