Black & Decker pirinç pişirme makinesi HS90 Kılavuz

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Black & Decker pirinç pişirme makinesi HS90
Foods Weight/Or Use Use Water Approx.
To Be Number Rice Drip Fill Line Time
Reheated Pieces Bowl Tray In Base (Minutes) Tips
Muffins Up to 6 No Yes Lo 17 mins.
(At refrigerator (Medium size; (Divided)
temperature) in paper
baking cups)
Place muffins in single
layer only.
Steam for 10 mins.
For room temperature
muffins, or without paper
baking cups, steam for
5-7 mins.
Leftovers are easily reheated in the Steamer. The following are some examples.
Experiment with your own leftovers.
Leftovers Weight/Or Use Use Water Approx.
To Be Number Rice Drip Fill Line Time
Reheated Pieces Bowl Tray In Base (Minutes) Tips
Beef Stew, Chili 2 cups Yes No Med 23-26
Macaroni and Cheese, 2 cups Yes No Med 27-31
Pasta with Sauce
Mashed Potatoes, 2 cups Yes No Lo 20-22
Rice (white)
Vegetables 2 cups Yes No Lo 19-21
Green beans,
carrots, green peas
Remember to always cover
Rice Bowl with foil when
reheating leftovers. See
instructions for using a foil
cover, page 10-11).
Spread leftovers evenly in
Rice Bowl.
If food is not quite hot
enough when unit shuts off,
reset time for 3-5 mins. and
continue steaming. To
continue steaming when
using Lo water level, remove
Steaming Bowl and add 3/4
cup tap water to Water
Reservoir. Replace Steaming
Bowl/Cover and reset Timer
for 3-5 mins. Continue
steaming and check after
2-4 additional minutes.
Weight/Or Use Use Water Approx.
Number Rice Drip Fill Line Time
Other Foods Pieces Bowl Tray In Base (Minutes) Tips
Eggs, Large size Up to 12 No Yes Med 30
Hard Cooked
Use eggs at room
temperature to prevent
cracking during steaming.
Place eggs over, or close to,
steam holes.
If eggs are cold, increase
steaming time by 5 mins.
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