Honeywell tablet aksesuarı SL62 Kılavuz

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17 Sayfalar İngilizce

Honeywell tablet aksesuarı SL62
(Names and Content of Hazardous Substances or Elements)
捷ↅ⚜䱿Parts Name) 㦘㹡㦘⹂䓸德㒥⏒侯
(Toxic and Hazardous Substances or Elements)
oooo o o
xooo o o
oooo o o
⬉⑤㒓Power Cord)
xooo o o
o: 嫷䯉年㦘㹡㦘⹂䓸德⦷年捷ↅ㓏㦘⧖德㧟㠨₼䤓⚺摞⧖⦷ 6-7 㪖⑕屓⸩䤓棟摞尐㻑ⅴₚ (Indicates that
this toxic or hazardous substance contained in all of the homogeneous materials for this part is below the limit requirement in
China’s SJ/T11363-2006.)
x: 嫷䯉年㦘㹡㦘⹂䓸德咂⺠⦷年捷ↅ䤓㩟₏⧖德㧟㠨₼䤓⚺摞怔⒉ 6-7 㪖⑕屓⸩䤓棟摞尐㻑 (Indicates
that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in at least one of the homogeneous materials for this part is
above the limit requirement in China’s SJ/T11363-2006. )
İlgili Kılavuzlar Honeywell tablet aksesuarı SL62